I find signs everywhere. Yesterday it was a toy train postcard from PostMuse, shown above. Minutes later, I fished these two postcards from Budapest out of a bag stuffed with miscellaneous papers. It also held, as I found out, forgotten ephemera from one of my trips to Hungary. Well, that travel journal is long done but it was a thrill suddenly to hold a bit of Keleti and Nyugati in my hands. I often took the train from Keleti (top), mainly to go to Bratislava. (The station also had a very retro kind of station restaurant, where I sometimes ate and often observed fellow travelers.) Nyugati (bottom) was for trips within Hungary. Writing this, I can hear the flap-flap-flap of the announcement board, giving information about arrivals and departures. Nyugati was also within luggage-laden walking distance of the hotel I usually used in Budapest.