Friend Carolyn, who now lives outside of London, sent this charming card she made of Poppy's first Christmas. Poppy looks intent on some holiday fun! The card was mailed a couple of weeks before Christmas and arrived yesterday. I'm happy it made it!

Ozawa Yasuko, a gifted Japanese doll artist who specializes in cats, sent this card. We've been out of touch for years and the card, which also arrived yesterday, was a bolt from the blue. It shows a wonderful painting by Tamio Maita. I shall have to dig out some cards showing Ozawa's beautiful, mysterious cats.
As mentioned in the call for mail art, Vietnam ended up using a cat in place of a rabbit in its zodiac. That had nothing to do with either of these cards but the timing of their arrivals was a nice coincidence. I say every year is the Happy Year of the Cat!